Saturday, July 2, 2011

NATO Ramping Up Airstrikes in Western Libya

NATO: More airstrikes in Libya

NATO's latest comments suggest the alliance is hoping to tip the balance further in the rebels' favor despite threats by Gadhafi to carry out attacks in Europe unless the airstrikes stop.
The coalition said it has destroyed more than 50 military targets in the west this week. It says it is targeting government forces in cities and along "major lines of communication."

"We are engaging all military assets that are being used to indiscriminately target the civilian population throughout Libya," Lt. Gen. Charles Bouchard, commander of NATO's Libya mission, said in the statement sent Saturday but dated the previous day.
NATO said more than 1.8 million civilians are at risk from a buildup of forces loyal to Gadhafi in western cities along the coast and in the Nafusa mountain range southwest of the capital.

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