Saturday, June 18, 2011

RightOnline loves Bachmann's display

Bachmann fires up RightOnline

Republican presidential hopeful, Rep. Michele Bachmann, R-Minn., speaks at the AFP RightOnline Conference in Minneapolis on Saturday, June 18, 2011. | AP Photo
Michele Bachmann got a standing ovation as she entered to Katy Perry’s song 'Firework.' | AP Photo Close
MINNEAPOLIS — Michele Bachmann used her Minnesota homecoming Saturday to focus on the economy.
With her first appearance in the state since declaring her presidential candidacy Monday night in New Hampshire, the Republican congresswoman explained why she gives President Barack Obama an “F” for his handling of the economy.
“We’re now approaching the Obama trench of a double-dip recession,” she told hundreds of conservative activists gathered here for RightOnline. “Mr. President, it’s the Grand Canyon. It is not a bump in the road.”
Bachmann brought down the house. She got a standing ovation as she entered to Katy Perry’s song “Firework.” About a third of the room jumped to their feet when she said she was running for president.
“Gee, maybe we could just take a vote and get the primary over right here,” she said.
When Bachmann said the country needs a different kind of leader, someone in the crowd yelled “You!”
Fiscal issues are a central focus of Americans for Prosperity, the group sponsoring the conference for conservative activists looking to improve their use of technology. She linked Obama to higher gas and gold prices, and a weak dollar.
She accused the first African-American president of letting down minorities, citing 16 percent black unemployment and 12 percent Hispanic unemployment. She said Hispanic youth have a 26 percent level of unemployment this summer. For African-American youth, she said it’s 40 percent.
“He is failing the Hispanic community. He’s failing the African-American community. He’s failing all of us,” she said.
She receive standing ovations for reminding the crowd that she was the first House member to introduce a bill to repeal the health care law after it passed in March 2010, promising to repeal the law if elected president.
To illustrate her point about the country’s fiscal plight, she asked everyone in the audience to take a dollar bill out of their wallet.
“Fold it about 40 percent, and you have about 60 percent of that dollar left,” she said. “Every time Congress spends a dollar, 42 cents is borrowed money. …Think about that for a second? Could you live that way?”
It was pure shtick, and the crowd totally enjoyed it.
She called the need to raise the debt ceiling “a failure of leadership.” She promised that as president she would make the hard choices about budget cuts “so that we never have to raise the debt ceiling again.”
“Yes, I know it’s going to be painful…but somebody’s got to do the job,” she said, waving the dollar bill again. “So do you feel as rich as you did two years ago?”

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